Friday 6 July 2007


Compiled from Federal parliamentary and other sources relevant to Australia's obligations to the United Nations

Editor: Judy Cannon - 07 3358 2623
Contributing Editor: Ian Mathews - 02 6281 4025

Earlier editions of UNity 2004-05, 2006 and 2007 are on the UNAA website: or email the editor.

Diary dates and International Years link
Job vacancies
Research, scholarships, calls for papers

Items 1 to 15 are published in UNity 510


If you want to include your organisation's event, email brief details to UNity to:
It would help a great deal if items could be submitted in the usual UNity Supplement format.

Accessible Events a Guide for Organisers, developed by Meeting Events Australia (MEA) and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, helps organisers to make their events more accessible to the millions of Australians with a disability. Accessible Events a Guide for Organisers is available through the MEA website at and

HREOC events calendar

The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) has a calendar of upcoming human rights related events and occasions. This is a brief and easy to use guide of what's happening in the world of human rights, gender equality, racial or disability discrimination, equal opportunities in the workplace, racism in sport, age discrimination, human rights education, anti-discrimination laws, etc. It will be kept as up-to-date and accurate as possible. Check out the calendar at

The calendar relies on information from the human rights community, so if you have an appropriate listing, email details to or by calling (02) 9284 9618. HREOC reserves the right to select and edit submissions as seen fit.

July 11 World Population Day
July: Sydney and Melbourne (July 28) Rokkashomura Rhapsody. Life beside a plutonium plant - new Japanese documentary on the lives of the people of Rokkashomura: Sydney: Chauvel Cinema, Paddington, Screening: 2:30pm-4:30pm; discussion 4:30pm-5:30pm with guest speakers Dr Mark Diesendorf and Dr Helen Caldicott. Tickets: email Melbourne: 3pm at Trades Hall, 54 Victoria Street, Carlton. Organised by Japanese for Peace, with MAPW and Friends of the Earth. $5.00. Details: July 30 & 31 2007 FECCA Congress, Hobart, Tas. Keynote speaker Jane Elliott, (Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes), diversity training exercises. Through panel discussions, workshops and presentations, a number of issues relating to concepts of empowerment and inclusion regarding Australia's cultural and social diversity. Details: Info: David Hopkins Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA); (02) 6282 5755 and Marie van Alphen, PO Box 3130, BRACKEN RIDGE Qld 4017; Registration details available shortly, click here to request information.
July 31 Closing date for applications for grants under Queensland’s Multicultural Assistance Program. For information and guidelines call 07 3224 5690 or 1800 053 739 email: website: www.premiers,

August 5 Melbourne Hiroshima Day commemoration events: a city rally; and afternoon concert planned by Japanese for Peace.
August 9 (to August 9 2014) International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.
August 2-3 19th Women, Management and Employment Relations Conference, Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney. Sponsored by Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, presented by Macquarie University, the conference provides annual audit of the key issues for women in the workplace. Key themes include: employment relations, leadership, finance, superannuation and workplace flexibility. Keynote addresses include Julia Gillard, Opposition IR spokesperson, and Nanda Pok, Director of Women for Prosperity in Cambodia. Details,, (02) 9850 8985 and
August 12 International Youth Day
August 23 International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition
August 26-27 UNAA Federal Conference and Council Meeting 2007, Melbourne. Sunday August 26 Federal Council meeting (open to all UNAA members). Details: Victorian Division of UNAA,
August 26 to 30 The Australasian Council of Women and Policing Fifth Australasian Women and Policing conference, Carlton Crest Hotel, Melbourne at the from 2007. For more information email to

September 3 – 4 The inaugural national ‘Muslim Students in Australian Universities’ conference hosted by University of Western Sydney at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Parramatta, to stimulate debate national strategies which universities may use in making provision for Muslim students; examine and further develop inclusive practices and teaching strategies; discuss issues associated with gender, discrimination and respect for difference; and to engage the Australian Muslim community in partnership and dialogue about educational aspirations, and local involvement. Details: Conference Secretariat, PO Box 20622, World Square, Sydney 2002; 04 2208 5222, Fax: 02 9266 0766 Email: or
September 8 International Literacy Day
September World Maritime Day (during last week of September)
September 16 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
September 21 International Day of Peace
September 21 A
nti-Nuclear Bike Ride Around Australia’s East And Southern Coasts: September 25 2007 Protecting Human Rights Conference, Melbourne Law School, Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law (UNSW) and RegNet (ANU) conference. One day event to discuss developments in the protection of Human rights by Australian charters and human rights acts. Opportunity to examine the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, the ACT Human Rights Act and other bills of rights. Leading Australian and international speakers on the future of the protection of human rights, such as economic, social and cultural rights, in Australia and other countries. The day is aimed at both a legal and non-legal audience. More information,; +61 (02) 9385 2259; 0414 241 593; fax +61 (02) 93851175;;

October 1 International Day of Older Persons
October 2 World Habitat Day (first Monday of October)
October 3-4 London Nuclear Weapons: The Final Pandemic — Preventing Proliferation And Achieving Abolition. Conference in partnership with the Catastrophes and Conflicts Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine and IPPNW's UK affiliate, Medact. See
October 4-10 World Space Week
October 9 World Post Day
October 10 World Mental Health Day
October 11 International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction (second Wednesday of October)
October 16 World Food Day
October 17 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 24 United Nations Day
October 24 World Development Information Day
October 24-30 Disarmament Week

November 6 International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
November 16 International Day for Tolerance
November 20 Africa Industrialisation Day
November 20 Universal Children's Day
November 21 World Television Day
November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
November 29 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

December 1 World AIDS Day
December 2 International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
December 3 International Day of Disabled Persons
December 5 International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
December 7 International Civil Aviation Day
December 10 Human Rights Day
December 11 International Mountain Day
December 18 International Migrants Day
December 19 United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation
December 20 International Human Solidarity Day

Special Observances and Events
International Decade for Action: Water for Life (2005-2015)United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012)International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010)Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism (2001-2010)Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa (2001-2010)United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006)
Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People commenced on January 1 2005.
UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: From January 1, 2005 to 2014. For more information, contact Mirian Vilela, Executive Director, Earth Charter Initiative, c/o Earth Council Institute, P.O. Box 319 _ 6100, San Jose, Costa Rica
Phone: + (506) 205 16 00 Fax: + (506) 249 35 00
E-mail: or contact "SUSAN ZIPP" of the Global People's Assembly network

United Nations International Years

For the UN Website for UN international days, years and decades go to Calendar of Conferences and Events at:


Jobs and volunteers - and where to find more
Lawyer vacancies Lawyers/Senior Lawyers, Legal Services Section, Sydney. Executive Level 1 & Executive Level 2, $73,462-$101,807 pa plus superannuation. As advertised in the Commonwealth Gazette of 31 May 2007 and The Australian of 26 May 2007. The commission has several ongoing and non-ongoing vacancies in its Legal Section for Senior Lawyers (Executive Level 2) and Lawyers (Executive Level 1). The positions involve the preparation of high level legal advice with a focus on human rights, anti-discrimination, privacy and administrative law and the conduct of external litigation on behalf of the commission. Selection documents: Further information: Jonathon Hunyor: (02) 9284 9615, and Applications close June 15 2007.

Volunteer bookkeeperAID/WATCH is seeking a volunteer bookkeeper, preferably with a taxation background, to maintain financial records and complete quarterly Business Activity Statements (BAS). The position may become a remunerated position in the future pending funding. Basic training from existing accounting/bookkeeping can be provided.

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Vacancies
Selection for current vacancies advertised on the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission website are based on job specific selection criteria. Applicants should obtain a copy of the documentation from the commission's website at: or by telephoning (02) 9284 9660 or write to The Human Resources Officer, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 or by e-mail to
Selection criteria and more information is available on the HREOC website at:

The commission encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, people with disabilities and women.

Human Rights Program Manager, International Programs Unit. APS Level 6. As advertised in the Commonwealth Gazette of 5 July 2007.

The commission has two ongoing vacancies in its International Programs Unit for a suitably experienced person to participate in the management of international co-operation activities.

Selection documents:
Details: Bill Kennedy. Applications to Personnel by July 20.

Public Affairs Officer, Public Affairs Section. APS Level 4. As advertised in the Commonwealth Gazette of 5 July 2007.

The commission has an ongoing vacancy for a Public Affairs Officer to provide events co-ordination and high level executive assistance to the unit.

Selection documents:
Details: Paul Oliver.

Multicultural Development Association Inc., Volunteer Services
512 Stanley Street, South Brisbane Q 4101.Ph (07) 333 75428
Fax: (07) 3337 5444’ email:; MDA Reception: (07) 3337 5400

A recruitment agency established for NGOsAn international recruitment agency has been set up to respond to the globalisation of non-governmental organisations. Global Charity Jobs aims to provide web-based recruitment solutions within the not-for-profit sector for charities, foundations, higher education institutes, the cultural sector and United Nations agencies. The agency is designed to help those looking to fill senior posts in leadership, development, fundraising, finance, administration, marketing, human resources, new media, communications, campaigning and advocacy. For more information, visit

UNAIDS pool vacancy notices.

This kind of pool recruitment process will be started twice a year in March and October, during that time the vacancy will stay open for applications. A UN system Personal History Form (electronic copy available on UNAIDS website: or a comprehensive curriculum vitae should be addressed to: Human Resources Management, E-mail: HRM@UNAIDS.ORG Or UNAIDS 20, Avenue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland or fax: (+41 22) 791 4784.

UNAIDS /07/FT21 Senior Policy Officer, Executive Office, (UNAIDS/EXO) UNAIDS, Washington. Band 2. Fixed-term appointment. Annual salary (net of tax) $US 61,834 single rate. Deadline for application: June 30. Details: unaidspersonnel

UNAIDS/07/TA30 Executive Office (EXO) /Country and Regional Support (UNAIDS/EXO/CRD)Regional Support Team (RST)/Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Program Officer Partnerships, Civil Society at Johannesburg, South Africa. Band 2. Temporary. Annual salary (net of tax) $US 51 395 at single rate. Deadline for application: July 4. UNAIDS/07/FT24 Regional Adviser, Advocacy and Information and Knowledge Management. Executive Office (EXO) /Country and Regional Support (UNAIDS/EXO/CRD), Regional Support Team (RST)/Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), Johannesburg South Africa Band 2. Fixed-term appointment. Annual salary: (Net of tax) $US 61 834 at single rate. Deadline for application: July 4. Details: "unaidspersonnel"
Investigation/Conciliation OfficerInvestigation/Conciliation Officer, Complaint Handling Section, Sydney. APS Level 6, $58,730-$65,825 pa plus superannuation, as advertised in the Commonwealth Gazette of 24 May 2007 and the Sydney Morning Herald (19/5/07). The commission has several temporary vacancies in its Complaint Handling Section available for 12 months. Permanent positions may become available during this time.The successful applicants will require a demonstrated ability in complaint handling and dispute resolution. Highly developed analytical and communication skills are essential. Also important is an understanding of human rights and discrimination issues. Selection criteria and duty statements are available at For further information please contact Domenic Vircillo, Principal Investigation/Conciliation Officer on (02) 9284 9600. Applications by 5pm on June 8 2007 to the Human Resources Officer, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 and in Word for Windows format with one attachment.

Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development Program

Become a participant or Australian Partner Organisation for the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development Program

The Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) program places young Australians between 18 and 30 on short-term assignments (3-12 months) in developing countries throughout the Asia Pacific region. AYADs exchange skills and knowledge with local counterparts to strengthen the capacity of overseas host organisations. AYADs also develop linkages and networks between partner organisations in Australia and those in developing countries, and gain overseas professional experience. A distinctive feature of the AYAD Program is its relationship with Australian Partner Organisations (APOs). An APO is any organisation that develops an assignment in partnership with an organisation in the Asia Pacific region.

The program is funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and provides in-country support and living and assignment support allowances to successful applicants during their period overseas. With the Program expansion, 400 AYADs will be mobilised each year. The next Intake will focus primarily on trades based and Vocational Education and Training (VET) assignments and we need to get the word out! Some of the exciting assignments available in past Intakes have been:
o Vocational Teacher Trainer, Indonesia
o Information Technology Assistant, Tonga
o Community Ecotourism Officer, Cambodia
o Construction Assistant, Vietnam
o Chef / Hospitality Trainer, Samoa
o Sailing Instructor, Vanuatu
o Offset Printing Trainer, Philippines
o Small Business Skills Technical Advisor, East Timor
o Human Resources and Administration Advisor, Solomon Islands
o Technical Advisor (Construction Trades), Laos

For further information about the AYAD Program and/or to interview a returned Australian youth ambassador, please contact Ruth Daugalis, Marketing and Alumni Project Coordinator at or 1800 225 592. For more information on opportunities available to APOs.

Ruth Daugalis Project Coordinator Alumni & Marketing AYAD Program Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development Program
Level 2, 81 Flinders Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia Telephone: 08 8232 3050 Freecall (Australia): 1800 225 592

Volunteering for International Development from Australia (VIDA) is Australia's newest international volunteer program. VIDA places skilled Australian volunteers in developing countries in the Asia Pacific region. VIDA volunteers work with local counterparts to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development in the communities in which they work through skills exchange, institutional strengthening and capacity building.

VIDA is funded by the Australian government’s International Aid Agency, AusAID, as part of the Australian Volunteer Program.

A range of assignments are available across sectors that include Education, Environment, Governance, Health, Infrastructure, Rural Development and Trades. VIDA is currently sending volunteers to PNG, Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Nauru, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. Soon, it will also be sending volunteers to Burma, China, Mongolia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Assignments can be one month to three years in length.

Who can become a VIDA Volunteer?
Australian citizens and permanent residents aged 18+ are eligible to apply
Register your interest online and apply for a specific volunteer assignment advertised at

Financial assistance including airfares, living and accommodation allowances, comprehensive insurance, in-country support and pre-departure training are provided to successful applicants.

VIDA Volunteers Freecall 1800 995 536

Australian Volunteers vacancies
Australian Volunteers is recruiting skilled professionals from the following sectors: health, education, IT, Finance, Agriculture, Environment and Community Development. For more information, contact; website:

Volunteer office helpA Just Australia needs someone to help with data entry into a computer data base in the office. Orientation will be provided. If you can give some time please contact us at or (02) 9745 9727Newsletter service provided by A Just Australia.

Vacancies with the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). It is an independent expert body established by the United Nations General Assembly. Its mandate is to regulate and coordinate the conditions of service of staff in the United Nations common system (see below), while promoting and maintaining high standards in the international civil service.

For all UN positions vacant, access:
Alternative sites for employment opportunities with the United Nations and its field operations and list of professional posts vacancies in the International Civil Service, job classification, salary scales and daily subsistence allowances are at the following websites:;; (to apply for field employment and to download P-11 application form).

The Australian Council for International Development publishes details of vacancies in the NGO area. Details are available on the ACFID website at or by phoning 02 6285 1816.

Spectrum Employment Services Co-Operative is a largely self funded, not for profit organisation, committed to a Vision of “an economic and social environment which creates professional training and fulfilling employment opportunities for all”.

Originally established as a labour co-operative in the early 1990s to provide employment opportunities for unemployed people in inner city areas, Spectrum has expanded its scope of operations across metropolitan and suburban Sydney, with offices in Marrickville, Bidwill, Claymore, Campbelltown and Padstow.

As a community-based service, Spectrum’s purpose is to alleviate poverty and improve the prosperity of the communities in which we work. We do this by providing training, education and employment opportunities for the unemployed and working with employers, community organisations, government and the unemployed to maximise the available opportunities. Spectrum Employment Services have offices located across Sydney, servicing government and commercial customers.

Details,; (02) 02 9573 0444.


Andrew Hughes writes: I am a full-time PhD student in the Department of Gender, Work and Social Inquiry at the University of Adelaide. My research project is investigating, through life history interviews and archival research, experiences of masculinity amongst white men who have lived and worked with Indigenous Australians and Pacific Islanders (including East Timor and Papua / Irian Jaya). The group includes for example patrol officers, teachers, police, military personnel and medicos.

For more information contact: Andrew Hughes, Gender, Work & Social Inquiry, the University of Adelaide, +61 8 8303 3734; CRICOS Provider Number 00123M

Assistance for refugee women graduates
The International Federation of University Women is offering limited financial assistance for women refugees who have mostly or fully completed their university degrees, and who need further training in language or professional practices in order to find employment in their new country.

Small grants are designed to help some already qualified women get established faster in their new environment, so that they can then support their families and get involved to encourage their less fortunate 'sisters'.

This assistance is open to refugee graduate women anywhere in the world. The grants are usually around $US1000 and are intended as short-term help for a woman to get a few necessary courses or certification so that she can work as a professional.

The women must have valid refugee status in their new country; and are not available to those who are waiting to be processed or to be sent back to their country of origin. They must have permission to study (and eventually, to work) in their new country of residence, and be legally
recognised. Proof of this status is required.

To apply, contact the nearest affiliate of the International Federation of University Women (see for a list of national organisations) for assistance with their application. The affiliate can confirm the applicant's credentials and status, and the appropriateness of the courses or training desired, as well as monitoring her progress, and hopefully providing some moral support and friendship.

The application form for grants is available in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format at:
It should be accompanied by the appropriate documentation, if available, or else letters of recommendation and validation of expertise from local educational authorities. IFUW will also contact the local IFUW affiliate to assist in processing the application, so it helps if the applicant has already been in contact with them.
More details are available on:
Or email the Refugee Council of Australia


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has published guidelines for the cultivation and collection of Artemisia annual, a Chinese traditional medicinal plant which is the source of artemisinin, used to produce the most effective medicines for malaria. The Guidelines can be found at:
For more information, contact Daniela Bagozzi, Media Communications, Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals, WHO, tel. +41 22 791 45 44; email: or Dr Xiaorui Zhang, WHO Coordinator for Traditional Medicine, office +41 22 791 36 39, email:
EAST TIMOREast Timor human rights report
The groundbreaking 2500-page report of East Timor’s Reception, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CAVR) documents the nation’s human rights abuses under Indonesian occupation. Dr Mark Byrne, convener of the Australian Coalition for Transitional Justice in East Timor (ACTJET), states the report explains some of the underlying causes of violence in East Timor (8/10/06).
More details, Dr Mark Byrne, Senior Researcher, Uniya Jesuit Social Justice Centre, on (02) 9356 3888.

UN reports on E. Timor
The United Nations Office in Timor-Leste with the support of the World Bank and UNDP prepared the report: “Strengthening Accountability and Transparency in Timor-Leste”.

The full text of the report (PDF format, 290Kb, 55 pages) is available at:

More information is available at URL:,,contentMDK:20890881~menuPK:294048~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:294022,00.html

A new 2006 edition of an annual review Small Arms Survey 2006: Unfinished Business is at The Small Arms Survey This is an independent research project at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. This edition features case studies on small arms violence in Papua New Guinea and Colombia, armed groups in West Africa, and the Lord's Resistance Army in northern Uganda. The final chapter "Angry Young Men" considers why young men account for the lion's share of global small arms violence. Summaries of all 12 Chapters are available,
To order the Small Arms Survey 2006, contact Oxford University Press.

The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has recently published the Millennium Development Goals Report 2006. The full text of the report (PDF format, 32 pages, 1,401Kb) and "The Millennium Development Goals: 2006 Progress Chart" (PDF format, 242Kb); available at:
For more information, call United Nations Information Centre - Australia and the Pacific
(02) 9262 5111 Web:

The following parliamentary reports by the Joint Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade have been released:
Australia’s response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami:
Australia’s relationship with the Republic of Korea:
For more information, contact the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Secretariat by phone on (02) 6277 4306 or email at

Human Rights Council Documents In addition to the web page for texts of draft resolutions and decisions; lists of tabled resolutions; technical guidelines for the submission of draft resolutions, and other information not available on the Council's web page; Oral statements made by dignitaries at the High Level Segment, members, observers, NGOs and others (only statements provided to the secretariat are included)

HREOCA Report No 33 - Discrimination in employment on the basis of criminal record
The president's report of his inquiry into a complaint by Ms Tracy Gordon of discrimination in employment on the basis of criminal record has been tabled in parliament. The President found that the decision of the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority ("ESTA") of Victoria to prevent Ms Gordon applying for employment as a communications officer on the basis of her criminal record constituted discrimination in employment. The president rejected ESTA's assertion that a person who has a criminal record that includes a serious traffic offence did not meet the character requirement for a communications officer. ESTA are giving consideration to potential changes to its current recruitment practices.

The report is available online

HREOCA Report No 34 - Breach of human right to freedom of expression
The president's report of an inquiry into a complaint by Mr Daniel Clark against the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of a breach of his human right to freedom of expression has been tabled in Parliament.

The president found the Ministers decision to withdraw Mr Clark’s invitation to participate in the Non-Government Organisation Consultations was inconsistent with or contrary to Mr Clark’s human rights. The President recommended the responded provide a written apology. The minister declined to provide an apology and notified the Commission no action would be taken as a result of the findings.

The report is available online

Guns: New International survey from the Control Arms Campaign: Amnesty International, Oxfam International and International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)
For further information please see:
All AI documents on Control Arms:

Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee report on the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006

The Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission report by chairman, Dr Hans Blix, Weapons of Terror: Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms. The full text of the Report (PDF format, 227 pages, 3,494Kb) and related materials are available at URL:

Preventing Disease Through Healthy Environments - towards an estimate of the environmental burden of disease The World Health Organization (WHO) For more information, please contact: Ms. Nada Osseiran, Advocacy and communications Officer, Tel: (+4122) 7914475; Email

Human Rights Law Bulletin Online
Volume 15 of the Human Rights Law Bulletin, covering developments in domestic and international human rights law during the period March - May 2006 now available:

Amnesty International Report 2006: the state of the world’s human rights, go to For more information, (02) 9217 7620

State of the World’s Mothers 2006 report, go to

Australia's Foreign Wars: Origins, Costs, Future?! available at
For a fact sheet on Australia’s Foreign Wars: Origins, Costs, Future?! with examples of some key historical developments: Dr Ian Buckley

The World Health Report 2006 is at:
Aid Report of Core Group at AusAID contains 46 recommendations; Core Group’s Report is at

Australian Labor Party’s aid policy discussion paper is available from
For more information, call the office of Bob Sercombe (02) 6277 4742 or (03) 9331 1922 e-mail:

Tsunami aid Report by AID/WATCH and Eye on Aceh highlights problems with the reconstruction efforts and provides practical answers in how to solve them. The report can be downloaded from Or go direct to:

The HREOC Report on disability rights and employment and other material from its inquiry is available at
Indigenous Young People with Cognitive Disabilities and Australian Juvenile Justice Systems Report

Ombudsman’s Report on Deportations, access: and go to “Media & releases”, then to “reports” or call (02) 6276 0111

Capacity Building: Successful Communication: A Toolkit for Researchers and Civil Society Organisations published by the Overseas Development Institute for researchers and practitioners in civil society organisations, including development NGOs, research institutes, think tanks and universities. For more information and to download the toolkit, visit

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission report 'Rights of Passage: A Dialogue with Young Australians about Human Rights' at: Or call HREOC or call Paul Oliver (02) 9284 9880

Avian flu advice links
For more information visit:
Minister for Foreign Affairs (02) 6277 7500 e-mail: Departmental 02 6261 1555

The World Health Organisation has sent all countries a document outlining
recommended strategic actions for responding to the avian influenza pandemic threat.
This document and others can be found at:
WHO avian influenza site:
Responding to the avian influenza pandemic threat. Recommended strategic actions
Avian influenza: assessing the pandemic threat
WHO global influenza preparedness plan
More WHO pandemic preparedness materials:
For more information, Dick Thompson, WHO communication officer, Geneva, Switzerland, at + 41 22 791 2684 or email

Violence against women: Attention to a recent report Chapter 7 states 'Gender-based violence is perhaps the most widespread and socially tolerated of human rights violations. The cost to women, their children, families and communities is a significant obstacle to reducing poverty, achieving gender equality and meeting the other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Access Economic report summary,

Mental Health Report of national consultations: Not For Service, the report of national consultations on mental health and human rights by the Mental Health Council of Australia and the Brain and Mind Research Institute in association with HREOC, is available from and also from the HREOC disability rights site

Terrorist Asset Freezing: Addition to the Consolidated List: The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has made an addition to the Terrorist Asset Freezing Consolidated List at numbers 543, and 543 a-f following advice from the UN 1267 Committee. The updated list can be accessed from DFAT's website at:

Human rights publications and actions, include: Liberty Victoria released a discussion paper on Terrorism and Human Rights, available at:

Laws for Insecurity? A Report on the Federal Government’s Proposed Counter-Terrorism Measures, written by a group of community lawyers, policy workers, advocates and legal academics, outlines in detail various concerns regarding the Commonwealth government’s proposals. This is report is also available from or

HREOC: Discrimination law cases
The Legal section of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission has published the September 2005 supplement to Federal Discrimination Law 2005 which covers significant cases decided in the Federal unlawful discrimination jurisdiction since March 2005

The publication provides a comprehensive overview of case law in the federal unlawful discrimination jurisdiction. In addition to its analysis of discrimination law jurisprudence, Federal Discrimination Law 2005 also covers issues of practical concern for litigants and practitioners, with chapters on procedural issues, damages and remedies, and costs.

The publication is available on the HREOC website as a free download at
and is available in pdf format at
It is also available in Word format on request:
To buy a copy, the order form is also available at

The full list of selected submissions to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's 'Discussion Paper on Discrimination in Employment on the basis of Criminal Record' are now available on the project webpages at
For inquiries on the project e-mail:

Recent updates on HREOC's disability rights site include a submission and evidence to the Senate Committee on Mental Health and a submission to a review by the Australian Building Codes Board and the Victorian Building Commission on accessible housing.

The UN has published, Sixty Ways the United Nations Makes a Difference. This can be accessed at:

UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Women and Peace and Security report: m=s/2005/636

Rights Australia has material on the following topics:
Immigration Detention:

Full pdf of Inquiry into the Circumstances of the Immigration Detention of Cornelia Rau by Mick Palmer [ISBN 0 646 44945 1] is at

Productivity Commission's Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage Report is available for downloading from the Productivity Commission's website For more information, Productivity Commission (03) 9653 2244

For full text, Australia: The impact of indefinite detention -- the case to change Australia's mandatory detention regime,

For text of UK’s Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Bill
Explanatory Notes - [Bill 13-EN] 54/1
Download the Guide for ‘climate refugees’'s%20Guide%20to%20Climate%20Refugees-1.pdf
(PDF format, 1.1MB)
View FoE Australia’s on-line opinion piece on Climate Refugees from

Make Poverty History Email Bulletin link
E-mail if you would like to add other members of your organisation to this email distribution list or call Michaela Sargent, Campaigns Coordinator, Australian Council for International Development, (02) 6281 9227

Plight of women in Afghanistan:

Amnesty International reports and statements:
USA: Human dignity denied: Torture and accountability in the "war on terror" (AI Index: AMR 51/145/2004)
Full text of the Human dignity denied report at:
USA: “The best kept secret in the aviation industry”?
The CIA rendition planes and where they have been:
Amnesty International release: Arms traffickers enjoy impunity as UN arms embargoes 'systematically violated'
United Nations All AI Documents:
Iraq For a copy o, Beyond Abu Ghraib: Detention and torture in Iraq, go to:
For a copy of NGO report on arms trading by G8 countries go to:

Democratic Republic of Congo:
Iran: Amnesty International report, "New government fails to address dire human rights situation" available at
Katanga see the Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) February 2006 report Forced Displacement and Cholera in Katanga, DRC
North-Kivu crisis, see the Amnesty International September 2005 report North-Kivu: Civilians pay the price for political and military rivalry at
USA: 800 secret CIA flights into and out of Europe
Sri Lanka: Act now to prevent escalation of violence and abuse
Europe: Reject Attempts to Legitimize No-Torture Promises
Eritrea: Government must end religious persecution
Serbia and Montenegro: Stop attacks on human rights activists
Sierra Leone: must implement Truth & Reconciliation recommendations
Joint Appeal to African Leaders to address the human rights situation in Zimbabwe
Myanmar: Stop using forced labour and penalizing protesters
Tunisia: Government repression “making a mockery” of WSIS
Russia: Director of RCFS possible prisoner of conscience
Take action: Human rights defenders in Russia facing threats and intimidation

South-East Asia View all AI documents at:
Amnesty International's Asia Pacific regional website:
Refugees have rights:


Amnesty International reports, relevant to torture and ill-treatment in the "war on terror". Include: .
Sudan: Investigations into John Garang's death must be independent

Italy: New "counter-terrorist" legislation jeopardises exercise of human rights
EUR 30/011/2005
Cambodia: Amnesty International calls on states to nominate their highest qualified judges and prosecutors to the Extraordinary Chambers of Cambodia. ASA 23/004/2005

For a full copy of the Amnesty International Report 2005: the state of the world's human rights access:
Guantánamo: Lives torn apart The impact of indefinite detention on detainees and their families, access:
Cruel. Inhuman. Degrades us all.
"Guantánamo and beyond: The continuing pursuit of unchecked executive power":
"USA: Human dignity denied: Torture and accountability in the 'war on terror' ":
US military commissions:

EU's recent counter-terrorism initiatives in the area of criminal law - is available on:
A shorter Executive Summary is also available online.

Appeal Case: The Russian-Chechen Friendship Society under threat
Russian Federation: Concerns over reports of "disappearances" of relatives of Aslan Maskhadov
Russian Federation: Human rights group threatened by security forces
Russian Federation: The Risk of Speaking Out: Attacks on Human Rights Defenders in the context of the armed conflict in Chechnya
Belarus: Suppressing the last voices of peaceful dissent
Belarus: Chernobyl commemorations end in large-scale arrests
Turkmenistan: The clampdown on dissent and religious freedom continues
Turkey: Death threats/Fear for safety
Human Rights Defenders at Risk

Death Penalty: View all documents on the death penalty
France: "The Search for Justice: The effective impunity of law enforcement officers in cases of shootings, deaths in custody or torture and ill-treatment" go to:
Israel and the Occupied Territories:
Israel/Occupied Territories: The report Conflict, Occupation and Patriarchy: Women Carry the Burden examines the impact on women of the spiralling violence and unprecedented level of restrictions of movements imposed by Israel on Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, as well as increased violence against women in the family and discriminatory laws and practices. To access the full report, go to
Nepal: View all documents on Nepal at
Afghanistan: View documents on Afghanistan at
Zimbabwe Amnesty International's press office in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566website:

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Online Atlas of Millennium Development Goals

The new World Bank
Online Atlas of the MDGs is a visualisation of the Millennium Development Goals:
· Explore maps of key indicators for each of the eight MDG goals. It is designed to make a wide range of data for over 200 economies easily accessible
· Resize countries to reflect comparative values.
· Zoom in on countries and pull up quick tables of supporting indicatorsWebsite: and

The Millennium Development Goals Map: Charting Progress toward a Better World,,contentMDK:20637864~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:469372,00.html

The World Bank’s Data Group and National Geographic are in a partnership to raise awareness of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by producing and disseminating a large-format, full-color wall map highlighting progress toward the goals.

The map, entitled A Global Agenda to End Poverty, is a tool to increase understanding of the MDGs among all audiences. It has a special focus on educating secondary school students about the substance of the MDGs and what is needed to meet them.